Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) 2021

Hours: 80 / Access Length: 12 Months / Delivery: Online, Self-Paced
Retail Price: $1,990.00

Course Overview:

This course is designed to adequately train an individual to take the (ISC)² CISSP certification exam. 

Before you dive into this course, you need to have accomplished a few tasks on your own. You need to have a general understanding of IT and of security. You should have the necessary five years of full-time paid work experience (or four years if you have a college degree) in two or more of the eight domains covered by the CISSP exam. If you are qualified to take the CISSP exam according to (ISC)², then you are sufficiently prepared to use this course to study for it. 

Course Outline:

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Security Governance Through Principles and Policies
Lesson 3: Personnel Security and Risk Management Concepts
Lesson 4: Buisiness Continuity Planning
Lesson 5: Laws, Regulations, and Compliance
Lesson 6: Cryptography and Symmetric Key Algorithms
Lesson 7: PKI and Cryptographic Applications
Lesson 8: Principles of Security Models, Design and Capabilities
Lesson 9: Security Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures
Lesson 10: Physical Seucrity Requirements
Lesson 11: Secure Network Architecture and Components
Lesson 12: Secure Communications and Network Attacks
Lesson 13: Managing Identity and Authenication
Lesson 14: Controlling and Monitoring Access
Lesson 15: Security Assessment and Testing
Lesson 16: Managing Security Operations
Lesson 17: Preventing and Responding to Incidents
Lesson 18: Disaster Recovery Planning
Lesson 19: Investigations and Ethics
Lesson 20: Software Development Security
Lesson 21: Malicious Code and Application Attacks

All necessary course materials are included.


This course prepares a student to take the (ISC)² CISSP certification exam.

System Requirements:

Internet Connectivity Requirements:

  • Cable, Fiber, DSL, or LEO Satellite (i.e. Starlink) internet with speeds of at least 10mb/sec download and 5mb/sec upload are recommended for the best experience.

NOTE: While cellular hotspots may allow access to our courses, users may experience connectivity issues by trying to access our learning management system.  This is due to the potential high download and upload latency of cellular connections.   Therefore, it is not recommended that students use a cellular hotspot as their primary way of accessing their courses.

Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 4 GB or higher
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher.  1920x1080 resolution is recommended for the best experience.
  • Speakers / Headphones
  • Microphone for Webinar or Live Online sessions.

Operating System Requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher.
  • Mac OSX 10 or higher.
  • Latest Chrome OS
  • Latest Linux Distributions

NOTE: While we understand that our courses can be viewed on Android and iPhone devices, we do not recommend the use of these devices for our courses. The size of these devices do not provide a good learning environment for students taking online or live online based courses.

Web Browser Requirements:

  • Latest Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
  • Latest Mozilla FireFox
  • Latest Microsoft Edge
  • Latest Apple Safari

Basic Software Requirements (These are recommendations of software to use):

  • Office suite software (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice)
  • PDF reader program (Adobe Reader, FoxIt)
  • Courses may require other software that is described in the above course outline.

** The course outlines displayed on this website are subject to change at any time without prior notice. **